Old London Bridge - Only for Poets

Old London  Bridge - Only  for Poets
Connecting the Poets who digging heart of me Still death - Sabarnasri


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bernard Shaw - CLOCK


There are twelve numbers on the face of my clock,
I know that it's happy for it goes tick tock.
It has two hands, one large, one quite small,
They go round and round as it hangs on the wall,
I think you know that they are playing a game,
Each time that I look, it is always the same.
They chase each other day after day,
Around they go from June until May.
What are they doing to tell the time?
Copying one another with hands that mime.
As they pass each number they seem to say,
Please don't hinder me, I'm still on my way.
The large hand says it's really not fair,
I seem to be doing more than my share.
The little hand laughs and said what fun,
I love seeing you go past always on the run.
Some people you know don't like my old clock,
But it keeps me happy, as it goes TICK TOCK.

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